Annick Kamgang

scenario and drawing

Born in Yaoundé and raised between Cameroon, the Central African Republic and the French West Indies, Annick Kamgang's vocation for activism was born in the footsteps of her Cameroonian father, founder of the UPA (Union des Populations Africaines), and her passion for drawing, after an atypical career in human sciences and telecommunications.

Today, she defines herself as an artivist (artist and activist), influenced by the ideas of democracy, freedom of expression and the emancipation of African peoples. She takes a light-hearted approach to serious subjects, and light-hearted ones with a touch of militancy.

Her debut album Lucha, Chronique d'une révolution sans armes au Congo was released in 2018 by La Boîte à Bulles.

  • Lucha, Chronique d'une révolution sans armes au Congo, Scénario & Dessin, ed La Boite à Bulles, 2018