Stéphane Blanco


Born in 1970 in Toulouse, he spent his adolescence between Casablanca and Dakar.

Passionate about comic books for as long as he can remember, he finally wrote his first script while living in French Guiana, for his first album about prison: Aux îles, point de salut, with Laurent Perrin and published in 2011. Two other albums on French Guiana will follow: Cayenne, Matricule 51793, with Laurent Perrin, and Nengue, with Samuel Figuière.

After the historical comic books, he gets into western-fantasy with his series Les sentiers de Wormhole, with Laurent Perrin. When the album was published, he made, among other things, engravings and models around the universe of the album. He returned to historical comic books in 2022 with Pitcairn ou les quatre femmes d'Adams, with Marc Curto Turon.

In parallel to his activities as a scriptwriter, he is a teacher of mathematics and cinema in the Deux-Sèvres.

  • Aux îles, point de salut, avec Laurent Perrin (dessin), Caraïbes Editions, 2011
  • Nengue - L'histoire oubliée des esclaves en Guyane, avec Samuel Figuière (dessin), Steinkis, 2018
  • Pitcairn - Ou les quatres femmes d'Adam, Scénario  et Dessin, Boites à Bulles, 2022