Laure Garancher
When she was little, Laure wanted to be a biology researcher. After a few months spent in a lab mistreating rats, she understood that this path was not for her... But it would take her a long time to find her way... First, she graduated as an agricultural engineer, specialized in nutrition and public health, then as an anthropologist, she left to work for WHO in Vietnam for a few years. Her missions then took her to South Africa and the Caribbean.
In the evening, when she took off her public health technical expert outfit, she started drawing comics. Her goal: to share through her stories a reality in the field that she had the chance to experience through her work. This is what she does in Mon fiancé chinois published in 2013, then in Opium in 2015.
Convinced that drawing has a magical power to convey ideas differently and especially, full of experiences of encounters made through her travel books to the bottom of the Amazon, she finally managed to combine her two lives by creating The Ink Link which, which enables to use art to accompany NGOs in the field. It looks like that she has found her way!
- À la recherche de l'amazonie oubliée, Éditions Delcourt (2021)
- Picolette, Éditions Delcourt (2019)
- Opium, Éditions Fei (2014)
- Mon fiancé chinois, Éditions Steinkis (2013)
On est passés par là !rights of minorities - Laure Garancher
En France, les personnes exilées sont accueillies sur tout le territoire. Pour les personnes arrivant en milieu rural, loin des grandes villes, la situation peut être complexe...
Favoriser le dépistage des cancers dans une région à forte incidencehealth / environment - Lou ZagoMat LetLaure Garancher
Pas facile de déplacer les foules sur les risques de cancer… The Ink Link propose une approche singulière et artistique à impact, pour interpeller sur la nécessité de...
Notre hôpital c'est vous : plaidoyer pour l'hôpital publichealth - Simon HureauLaure Garancher
Fort de ses compétences dans le domaine du plaidoyer et sensible à la cause de l'hôpital public, The Ink Link - collectif BD engagé a accompagné la création du mouvement...
Development aid in the fight against poverty and gender inequalityenvironment - CyÉdith ChambonLaure GarancherIsacileMarie VoyelleAude Mermilliod
Project illustrating development aid in the poorest countries, giving examples through the stories of women around the world.
Telling the story of craftsmanship with Terre et Filsterritorial development - Laure Garancher
Six cultural mediation projects in rural areas have been selected to keep alive the memory of local craftsmanship, encourage its transmission and intergenerational links, and...
Illustrating the abortion processhealth / environment - Laure Garancher
An illustrated information toolkit enabling professionals to explain the various steps of an abortion to people who have little, poor or no understanding of written and/or...
Strengthening the psychosocial skills of people in exilerights of minorities - Emma TissierLaure Garancher
The K-par-Cas-2 tool aims at promoting people in exile's mental health and psychosocial wellbeing through an innovative and fun approach.
Fighting sexual exploitation and abuse within Action Against Hungerenvironment - Aude MermilliodLaure GarancherStéphane Fert
The Ink Link worked with Action Against Hunger to develop a prevention tool against acts of sexual exploitation and abuse towards their employees and the beneficiaries of...
Faire face, nursing staff VS COVID-19health / territorial development - Wilfrid LupanoMayana ItoïzLaure GarancherMiss PricklySess WeldohnsonYannick CorbozFrançois DupratGaëlle Hersent WouzitOhazar
Twenty-two caregivers, twelve artists, a coronavirus... and most of all, solidarity initiatives and a comic book in bookshops!
Raising diabetes awareness in Suriname and French Guianahealth - Mayana ItoïzLaure GarancherWilfrid Lupano
The Ink Link worked with the Bushinengué community to raise awareness of the risks associated with diabetes.
Illustrating medical instructions, a case study on self-diagnosis test kit for malariahealth - Laure Garancher
As part of a program to eradicate malaria in the Guyana Plateau region, we used drawings to adapt malaria control tools for the public most affected by the parasite: gold...
Know your enemy: a project on alcoholism with the Kwamala Indianshealth - Mayana ItoïzWilfrid LupanoLaure Garancher
Wilfrid Lupano, Mayana Itoïz and Laure Garancher have created a 4-page story about a curse that threatens the health and social equilibrium of the village of Kwamala: the...
Community dialogue: interacting with an underprivileged populationhealth / environment - Mayana ItoïzLaure Garancher
As part of a project to eliminate malaria in the Guyana Plateau region, the aim was to adapt interventions to the public most affected by the parasite: gold miners.